
hymn.macros provide macros for monad computations

Operation Macros

do-monad [binding-forms expr]

Changed in version 0.9: This macro was named do-monad-m before version 0.9

macro for sequencing monadic computations, a.k.a do notation in haskell

=> (import hymn.types.maybe [Just])
=> (require hymn.macros [do-monad])
=> (do-monad [a (Just 41)] (m-return (+ a 1)))
do-monad-return [binding-forms expr]

Changed in version 0.9: This macro was named do-monad before version 0.9

macro for sequencing monadic computations, with automatic return

=> (import hymn.types.maybe [Just])
=> (require hymn.macros [do-monad-return])
=> (do-monad-return [a (Just 41)] (+ a 1))
do-monad-with [monad binding-forms expr]

macro for sequencing monadic composition, with said monad as default.

useful when the only binding form is :when, we do not know which monad we are working with otherwise

=> (import hymn.types.maybe [maybe-m])
=> (require hymn.macros [do-monad-with])
=> (do-monad-with maybe-m [:when True] 42)
=> (do-monad-with maybe-m [:when False] 42)

All do monad macros support :let binding, like this:

=> (import hymn.types.maybe [Just])
=> (require hymn.macros [do-monad-return])
=> (defn half [x]
...  (do-monad-return
...    [:let [two 2]
...     a x
...     :let [b (/ a two)]]
...    b))
=> (half (Just 42))

All do monad macros support :when if the monad is of type MonadPlus.

=> (import hymn.types.maybe [maybe-m])
=> (require hymn.macros [do-monad-with])
=> (defn div [a b] (do-monad-with maybe-m [:when (not (= 0 b))] (/ a b)))
=> (div 1 2)
=> (div 1 0)
monad-> [init-value #* actions]

threading macro for monadic actions

=> (import hymn.types.maybe [maybe-m])
=> (import hy.pyops [/])
=> (defn inc [x] (+ x 1))
=> (setv m-inc (maybe-m.monadic inc))
=> (setv m-div (maybe-m.monadic /))
=> (require hymn.macros [monad->])
=> ;; threading macro for monadic actions
=> (monad-> (maybe-m.unit 99) m-inc (m-div 5) (m-div 2))
=> ;; is equivalent to
=> (require hymn.macros [do-monad])
=> (do-monad [a (maybe-m.unit 99) b (m-inc a) c (m-div b 5)] (m-div c 2))
monad->> [init-value #* actions]

threading tail macro for monadic actions

=> (import hymn.types.maybe [maybe-m])
=> (import hy.pyops [/])
=> (defn inc [x] (+ x 1))
=> (setv m-inc (maybe-m.monadic inc))
=> (setv m-div (maybe-m.monadic /))
=> (require hymn.macros [monad->>])
=> ;; threading tail macro for monadic actions
=> (monad->> (maybe-m.unit 4) m-inc (m-div 25) (m-div 100))
=> ;; is equivalent to
=> (require hymn.macros [do-monad])
=> (do-monad [a (maybe-m.unit 4) b (m-inc a) c (m-div 25 b)] (m-div 100 c))
m-for [[n seq] #* expr]

macro for sequencing monadic actions

=> (import hymn.dsl [maybe-m])
=> (require hymn.macros [m-for])
=> ;; with simple monad, e.g. maybe
=> (m-for [a (range 3)] (maybe-m.unit a))
Just([0, 1, 2])
=> ;; with reader monad
=> (import hymn.types.reader [<-])
=> (setv readers
...  (m-for [a (range 5)]
...    (print "create reader" a)
...    (<- a)))
create reader 0
create reader 1
create reader 2
create reader 3
create reader 4
=> (.run readers [11 12 13 14 15 16])
[11 12 13 14 15]
=> (.run readers "abcdefg")
["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"]
=> ;; with writer monad
=> (import hymn.types.writer [tell])
=> (.execute (m-for [a (range 1 101)] (tell a)))
m-when [test mexpr]

conditional execution of monadic expressions

with-monad [monad #* exprs]

provide default function m-return as the unit of the monad

=> (import hymn.types.maybe [maybe-m])
=> (require hymn.macros [m-when with-monad])
=> (defn even? [x] (= 0 (% x 2)))
=> (with-monad maybe-m (m-when (even? 1) (m-return 42)))
=> (with-monad maybe-m (m-when (even? 2) (m-return 42)))
monad-comp [expr binding-forms [condition None]]

different syntax for do-monad-return, in the style of list/dict/set comprehensions, the condition part is optional and can only be used with MonadPlus as in do-monad-return

=> (import hymn.types.maybe [Just])
=> (require hymn.macros [monad-comp])
=> (monad-comp (+ a b) [a (Just 1) b (Just 2)])
=> (monad-comp (/ a b) [a (Just 1) b (Just 0)] (not (= 0 b)))
=> (import hymn.types.list [list-m])
=> (list (monad-comp (/ a b) [a (list-m [1 2]) b (list-m [4 8])]))
[0.25 0.125 0.5 0.25]
=> (list (monad-comp (/ a b) [a (list-m [1 2]) b (list-m [0 1])] (not (= 0 b))))
[1.0 2.0]

Reader Macros

^ [f]

lift() reader macro, #^ f is expanded to (lift f)

=> (import hymn.dsl [Just Nothing])
=> (require hymn.macros :readers [^])
=> (import hy.pyops [+])
=> (#^ + (Just 1) (Just 2))
=> (#^ + (Just 1) Nothing)
= [value]

reader macro for m-return, the unit inside do-monad-return macros, #= v is expanded to (m-return v)

=> (import hymn.dsl [Just maybe-m])
=> (require hymn.macros [do-monad do-monad-with] :readers [=])
=> (do-monad-with maybe-m [a #= 1 b #= 2] (+ a b))
=> (do-monad [a (Just 1)] #= (+ a 1))