Examples ======== Calculating Pi with Monte Carlo Method -------------------------------------- Pseudo-random number generator with :py:class:`~hymn.types.state.State` monad: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/monte_carlo.hy :language: clojure :lines: 7- Example output: .. code-block:: sh $ ./monte_carlo.hy 50000 the estimate for pi = 3.14232 Calculating Sum --------------- Wicked sum function with :py:class:`~hymn.types.writer.Writer` monad: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/sum.hy :language: clojure :lines: 7- Example output: .. code-block:: sh $ ./sum.hy 123 456 789 sum: 1368 Dependency Handling with Lazy Monad ----------------------------------- Actions with the :py:class:`~hymn.types.lazy.Lazy` monad can be used to handle dependencies: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/deps.hy :language: clojure :lines: 7- Example output: .. code-block:: sh $ ./deps.hy (started h (started g (started b finished b) (started d finished d) finished g) (started e finished e) (started f (started c finished c) (started a finished a) finished f) finished h) The FizzBuzz Test ----------------- The possibly over-engineered FizzBuzz solution: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/fizzbuzz.hy :language: clojure :lines: 7- Example output: .. code-block:: sh $ ./fizzbuzz.hy 100 1 2 fizz 4 buzz fizz 7 8 fizz buzz 11 fizz 13 14 fizzbuzz 16 17 fizz 19 buzz fizz 22 23 fizz buzz 26 fizz 28 29 fizzbuzz 31 32 fizz 34 buzz fizz 37 38 fizz buzz 41 fizz 43 44 fizzbuzz 46 47 fizz 49 buzz fizz 52 53 fizz buzz 56 fizz 58 59 fizzbuzz 61 62 fizz 64 buzz fizz 67 68 fizz buzz 71 fizz 73 74 fizzbuzz 76 77 fizz 79 buzz fizz 82 83 fizz buzz 86 fizz 88 89 fizzbuzz 91 92 fizz 94 buzz fizz 97 98 fizz buzz Interactive Greeting -------------------- Greeting from :py:class:`~hymn.types.continuation.Continuation` monad: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/greeting.hy :language: clojure :lines: 7- Example output: .. code-block:: sh $ ./greeting.hy Hi, what is your name? Please tell me your name! $ ./greeting.hy Hi, what is your name? Marvin Welcome, Marvin! Greatest Common Divisor ----------------------- Logging with :py:class:`~hymn.types.writer.Writer` monad: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/gcd.hy :language: clojure :lines: 7- Example output: .. code-block:: sh $ ./gcd.hy 1151130 1151330 calculating the greatest common divisor of 1151130 and 1151330 1151130 mod 1151330 = 1151130 1151330 mod 1151130 = 200 1151130 mod 200 = 130 200 mod 130 = 70 130 mod 70 = 60 70 mod 60 = 10 60 mod 10 = 0 the result is: 10 Project Euler Problem 9 ----------------------- Solving problem 9 with :py:class:`~hymn.types.list.List` monad .. literalinclude:: ../examples/euler9.hy :language: clojure :lines: 7- Example output: .. code-block:: sh $ ./euler9.hy Project Euler Problem 9 - list monad example https://projecteuler.net/problem=9 There exists exactly one Pythagorean triplet for which a + b + c = 1000. Find the product abc. 31875000 Project Euler Problem 29 ------------------------ Solving problem 29 with :py:func:`~hymn.operations.lift` and :py:class:`~hymn.types.list.List` monad .. literalinclude:: ../examples/euler29.hy :language: clojure :lines: 7- Example output: .. code-block:: sh $ ./euler29.hy Project Euler Problem 29 - lift and list monad example https://projecteuler.net/problem=29 How many distinct terms are in the sequence generated by a to the power of b for 2 <= a <= 100 and 2 <= b <= 100? 9183 Solving 24 Game --------------- Nondeterministic computation with :py:class:`~hymn.types.list.List` monad and error handling with :py:class:`~hymn.types.maybe.Maybe` monad: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/solve24.hy :language: clojure :lines: 7- Example output: .. code-block:: sh $ ./solve24.hy 2 3 8 8 ((2 * 8) - 8) * 3 (3 / 2) * (8 + 8) 3 / (2 / (8 + 8)) ((8 - 2) - 3) * 8 ((8 * 2) - 8) * 3 ((8 - 3) - 2) * 8 8 * (8 - (2 + 3)) ((8 + 8) / 2) * 3 (8 + 8) / (2 / 3) (8 + 8) * (3 / 2) 8 * (8 - (3 + 2)) ((8 + 8) * 3) / 2