Utility Functions and Types =========================== .. py:currentmodule:: hymn.utils Helper Classes -------------- .. autoclass:: CachedSequence :members: :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: SuppressContextManager :members: :show-inheritance: Helper Functions ---------------- .. autofunction:: compose .. function:: <| alias of :py:func:`compose` .. note:: :code:`.` cannot be used as *hy* and *python* already using it, :code:`<|` was chosen because we use :code:`|>` as alias of :py:func:`pipe` function .. autofunction:: const .. autofunction:: suppress .. autofunction:: pipe .. function:: |> alias of :py:func:`pipe` .. note:: :code:`|>` is different from the same function in *OCaml* and *F#*, which is more like the threading macro :code:`->>` in *hy*