The Reader Monad ================ .. automodule:: hymn.types.reader :members: Reader, asks, local, lookup, reader, reader_m :show-inheritance: .. data:: unit the unit of reader monad .. function:: run alias of :meth:`` .. data:: ask fetch the value of the environment Hy Specific API --------------- .. class:: reader-m alias of :class:`Reader` Function ^^^^^^^^ .. function:: <- alias of :func:`lookup` Examples -------- Do Notation ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: clojure => (require hymn.dsl) => (import [hymn.types.reader [ask]]) => (.run (do-monad [e ask] (inc e)) 41) 42 Operations ^^^^^^^^^^ :func:`asks` create a reader with a function, :func:`reader` is an alias of :func:`asks` .. code-block:: clojure => (require hymn.dsl) => (import [hymn.types.reader [asks reader]]) => (.run (do-monad [h (asks first)] h) [5 4 3 2 1]) 5 => (.run (do-monad [h (reader second)] h) [5 4 3 2 1]) 4 :func:`ask` fetch the environment .. code-block:: clojure => (require hymn.dsl) => (import [hymn.types.reader [ask]]) => (.run ask 42) 42 => (.run (do-monad [e ask] (inc e)) 42) 43 :func:`local` run the reader with modified environment .. code-block:: clojure => (import [hymn.types.reader [ask local]]) => (.run ask 42) 42 => (.run ((local inc) ask) 42) 43 :func:`lookup` get the value of key in environment, :data:`<-` is an alias of :func:`lookup` .. code-block:: clojure => (require hymn.dsl) => (import [hymn.types.reader [lookup <-]]) => (.run (lookup 1) [1 2 3]) 2 => (.run (lookup 'b) {'a 1 'b 2}) 2 => (.run (<- 1) [1 2 3]) 2 => (.run (<- 'b) {'a 1 'b 2}) 2 => (.run (do-monad [a (<- 'a) b (<- 'b)] (+ a b)) {'a 25 'b 17}) 42